The Sharpshooter - Bret Hart Tribute, Ver. 3

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Bret Hart17th April, 2003 - I feel sad to inform that this site will no longer be updated. From nom onwards this site will serve as an archive. But no regrets, because this has been a fantastic journey. I would like to thank all the fans for making this site a big success. This coudnt have been possible without you. Please do mail me about your opinions and criticism. Bret Hart is and will be a legend. It's been a pleasure for all the fans to witness one of the greatest moments wrestling had to offer. I thank Mr. Rohan Joshi for inspiring me to build this website. I feel great to have a friend like Hala who has been immensely supportive. In the end I would once again thank the fans without whom this all this would've been impossible.

Thank you,

The Webmaster
Nabeel Ahmed Khan.